Hekate switch,
Custom Graphical Switch bootloader

firmware patcher, tools, and many more.

Fully Configurable and Graphical

with Touchscreen and Joycon input support

Hekate Switch

Hekate and Nyx, prominent figures in Greek mythology, encapsulate distinct facets of the ancient pantheon. Hekate, a goddess of multifaceted significance, is revered for her associations with magic, crossroads, and the underworld. Often depicted as a triple deity, symbolizing the lunar phases, Hekate holds a pivotal role in mystical and transitional realms.

  • Fully Configurable and Graphical with Touchscreen and Joycon input support
  • Launcher Style, Background and Color Themes
  • HOS (Switch OS) Bootloader — For CFW Sys/Emu, OFW Sys and Stock Sys
  • Android & Linux Bootloader
  • Payload Launcher
  • eMMC/emuMMC Backup/Restore Tools
  • SD Card Partition Manager — Prepares and formats SD Card for any combo of HOS (Sys/emuMMC), Android and Linux
  • emuMMC Creation & Manager — Can also migrate and fix existing emuMMC
  • Switch Android & Linux flasher
  • USB Mass Storage (UMS) for SD/eMMC/emuMMC — Converts Switch into a SD Card Reader
  • USB Gamepad — Converts Switch with Joycon into a USB HID Gamepad
  • Hardware and Peripherals info (SoC, Fuses, RAM, Display, Touch, eMMC, SD, Battery, PSU, Charger)
  • Many other tools like Archive Bit Fixer, Touch Calibration, SD/eMMC Benchmark, AutoRCM enabler and more

Android & Linux Bootloader

Dual-boot capability for Android and Linux operating systems.

EmuMMC Creation & Manager

Manage and migrate emuMMC configurations, fixing existing emuMMC setups.

Hardware and Peripherals Info

Provide detailed information about Switch components such as SoC, Fuses, RAM, Display, Touch, eMMC, SD, Battery, PSU, Charger.

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